
One-Act Plays and Sketches: 2012


  • “The Professor”
  • “On the Pier”
  • “Up to date”
  • “Father of the Bride Speech”

One-Act Plays

1) The Interview

Margaret Alexander, a professor of speech therapy, is applying for a high position at a university. During the job interview, however, she makes the biggest mistake possible and …

Margaret: Lisa Arbogast (JS2)                        

Donald: Felix Ebert (JS2)

2) A Man’s Best Friend

A man’s best friend is not a dog, but his guitar – however, it is totally unimportant whether he can play the guitar. …. On their way to the honeymoon a newly-wed couple gets to know each other very (!) well …

Bride: Alissa Renz (JS2)                                    

Groom: Gereon Berz (JS1)

3) Husbands Supplied

The marriage bureau “Husbands Supplied” has got many clients. Five women, the bureau’s owner and her secretary show a vivid interest in the same young man. They have even locked the doors. But then it turns out that …

Mrs May: Patricia Pantleon (JS2)                   

Miss Jones: Anna Rezutka (10a)

Mrs Wuff: Franziska Grauer (10b)                  

Mrs Bee: Esther Melchinger (10b)

Miss Waff: Pia Siegele (10b)                            

Miss Crunch: Paula Pantleon (10b)

Old Lady: Tessa Renner (10b)                         

The Man: Nuno Dehmel (10c)


Alan Ayckbourn, Bedroom Farce

The comedy concerns one quite eventful Saturday night and is entirely set in people’s bedrooms.

The first bedroom is occupied by an ageing pair, Delia and Ernest, who are celebrating their wedding anniversary, the second by Malcolm and Kate, who are giving a house-warming party, and the third by Jan and self-centred Nick, who are friends of Malcolm and Kate, Jan also being an old flame of Delia and Ernest’s son, Trevor. It is the fourth couple, Trevor and his neurotic wife Susannah, who are having marital problems and who cause all the trouble and confusion on this particular Saturday night. One thing is certain: Nobody gets a good night’s sleep.

Cast members:

Ernest: Gereon Berz (10a)              

Delia: Patricia Pantleon (JS1)

Jan: Lisa Arbogast (JS1)

Nick: Lukas Kammerlander (JS1)

Kate: Sophia Schroth (JS1)

Malcolm: Felix Ebert (JS1)

Trevor: Maximilian Feszler (JS1)

Susannah: Alissa Renz (JS1)                 


Delia:         You can tell a great deal from people’s bedrooms.

Ernest:       Can you? Good heavens. (He looks about)

Delia:         If you know what to look for. 

One-Act Plays and Sketches: 2011


  • “Welcome to Hell”
  • “A Ride in a Rolls”
  • “The Stepsister speaks out”
  • “American Welcome”
  • “The Ritz”
  • “The Insulting Librarian”
  • “Slightly Mad”

One-Act Plays

1) Alan Ayckbourn, Countdown

This couple’s “communication” after dinner is a mixture of silence, spoken thoughts and an actual conversation on polite banalities. It becomes obvious that after 21 years of married life husband and wife have grown tired of each other’s little habits and familiar phrases.

Wife: Lydia Askani (10a)           Husband: Gereon Berz (10a)

2) David Campton, Cards, Cups and Crystal Ball

The three sisters Flora, Dora and Nora Weerd seem to have lost the family’s gift of predicting the future, which makes them quite unsuccessful fortune-tellers. Their situation completely changes when the mysterious Lady M., who is the embodiment of over-ambition and cold-bloodedness, appears to get news of her future …

Lady M.: Alissa Renz (JS1)                                   Nora: Sophia Schroth (JS1)

Flora: Patricia Pantleon (JS1)                               Jessie: Anneli Fischer (JS1)

Dora: Lisa Arbogast (JS1)

3) Stanley Houghton, The Fifth Commandment

Mrs Mountain, the British version of an imaginary invalid – a hypochondriac – , reduces the Bible’s Fifth Commandment “Thou shalt honour thy father and mother” to absurdity. She enjoys a most curious state of health. Her health situation can easily adapt to different external circumstances. What a gifted elderly lady she is – a highly talented actress! … However, there is always the chance of falling into one’s own trap.

Mrs Mountain: Katharina Badenhausen (JS2)

Nelly Mountain: Edina Albert (JS2)

Bob Painter: Felix Ebert (JS1)

Mr Shoosmith: Aron Seiffert (JS1)


Lady Windermere’s Fan

The world presented in Lady Windermere’s Fan is that of the fashionable English upper-middle-class society of the late 19th century – it is a world of dances, luncheons and tea ceremonies, but also one of moral strictness.
The Duchess of Berwick, an aristocratic and snobbish grande dame, warns the morally good Lady Windermere about her husband’s supposed affair with Mrs Erlynne, a “sinful” woman “with a past”. Lord Windermere’s behaviour is particularly scandalous: he has given away large sums to this Mrs Erlynne; he even invites the shameless Mrs Erlynne to his wife’s birthday party. In full despair Lady Windermere is then prepared to throw herself into the arms of the witty Lord Darlington, thus even leaving her small child behind…

But there is a hidden secret. Who is this mysterious Mrs Erlynne? What is her true identity? The audience may expect a real surprise. How is it possible that Lady Windermere states at the end:
“I don’t think Mrs Erlynne a bad woman. …I want to see her.”

Lady Windermere even comes to the conclusion:
“I don’t think now that people can be divided into the good and the bad.”
Has the world been turned upside down?