Karl's Drama Group | Englisches Theater am Karls-Gymnasium Stuttgart | Humanistisches Gymnasium mit Hochbegabtenzug

Noël Coward, Hay Fever (1924)

Opening Act: Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (performed by JS1, Englischkurs Herr Schuster)

The self-centred and eccentric Bliss family consists of Judith, a glamorous actress, David, a temperamental novelist, Sorel and Simon, two “awfully bad mannered” grown-up children. They all hate conventions, but love theatricality and treat their guests invited down for a summer weekend in the countryside with much rudeness.

The more than irritated guests are about to flee…


Cast members:

Judith Bliss: Lisa Arbogast (JS2)       

David Bliss: Nuno Dehmel (10c)

Sorel Bliss: Patricia Pantleon (JS2)     

Simon Bliss: Felix Ebert (JS2)     

Myra Arundel: Alissa Renz (JS2)

Richard Greatham: Gereon Berz (JS1)

Jackie Coryton: Paula Pantleon (10b)

Sandy Tyrell: Lukas Kammerlander (JS2)

Clara: Esther Melchinger (10b)


Sorel:         This house is a stage.

Myra:         This house is a complete featherbed of false emotions.